Producer ANDY SNEAP Offers Update On Latest Projects

July 1, 2003

Acclaimed British metal producer Andy Sneap (MACHINE HEAD, SKINLAB, ARCH ENEMY, NEVERMORE) has posted the following update to his official forum:

"Finished tracking new EXODUS album Tuesday night [June 24] 1am, flew home [to England] Wednesday which means I'm pretty useless until Monday [June 30], so having a few rare days off, then begin mixing for 10 days at Backstage [studios]. Sounding really good, pleased with the results we got out of [EXODUS vocalist] Zetro [Souza] and there's no lack of guitar solos on this album, so for those of you wondering where all the solo's have gone these days — we've got them all...

"Also hooked up with the MACHINE HEAD guys whilst in [San Francisco], helped out with basic set up as they're tracking it all themselves this time. I have every confidence in Robb [Flynn] producing actually, he's got a keen ear and knows what he wants, he's the demo king, and Mark who owns Shark Bite studios seems pretty on the money also.

"So this month I've got EXODUS and 36 CRAZYFISTS to mix and also UK metallers STAMPIN' GROUND to do, also talking to Roadrunner about another project to mix and there's a SPIRITUAL BEGGARS live album to mix somewhere down the line soon."

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